
XBallot Quickstart

XBallot is an efficient DAO management solution optimized for decentralized governance.

The operations within your DAO - like governance voting, social feed management, and domain registration - can be performed entirely on-chain with unmatched transparency, security, and efficiency. XBallot uses strategic partnerships with industry leaders like Infura, QuickNode, SubQuery, MongoDB, and AWS Activate to provide a robust, reliable, and efficient DAO management platform.

XBallot is designed to be incrementally adopted, so you can add it to most DAOs in a few minutes.


XBallot leverages advanced on-chain operations, integrated account registrar, dynamic community forums, and social engagement tools to provide an all-in-one platform for DAO management, both in your local community and across decentralized networks.


XBallot works seamlessly with different DAO structures and blockchain networks. If you've ever felt that your DAO management was too complex or time-consuming, it might be time for XBallot.


You can also launch a DAO on XBallot testnet to get a head start on your DAO. For even more examples, visit the XBallot Testnet (opens in a new tab).

Ready to launch a DAO for your organization?

XBallot's dev team can get you up and running in no time.